Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Supposedly man has been evolving over time. Languages started out as gestures and grunting noises. These noises and gestures became words, more words were made up. Now there are many different languages around the world and people are getting smarter. Or are we? "Hello, how are you doing" turns into "Hi, how are you?" and that simplified to "hey, whats up" and even further to "hey, sup". Now it is either "hey" or "sup". I am been noticing more and more that we have went even further than that. I see someone I know, a nod does the job, or even just a grunt that isnt any real word comes out. The person I know does the same thing. The meanings of these gestures and grunts are just understood by other people. Is this what it was like back when humans were simple cavemen? Are we going to continue simplifying our language and means of communication to mainly grunts/clicks/whistles? I guess what i am saying, and the answer to all life's questions is:
*click* *click* *whistle* *click*! *whistle* *click* *click* *click*.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Breaking Point

Every material can be only pushed so far before it breaks.
Take a steel beam for example. You can only put so much weight on it before it will break. First it will bend, more weight it bends more, but still holds. Finally you hit that point and the beam is going to break.
Water can be heated up, but only so much before its molecules get excited to much and go flying away from the rest of the water.
What is your breaking point? Is it that ball hitting you in the back of the head, that one big lie someone said, getting rejected once again? For me I am near my breaking point, I can feel it. My molecules are excited much more heat and I am going to snap. The fire heating me up is college and something is going to trigger my breaking point. But what is going to happen when I reach that point? I am not a beam so I wont simply snap in half, I am not water so my molecules wont leave me.
Maybe my body will just shut down, becoming the blue screen with too much running. Maybe I will snap and come to work with a hi-powered assault rifle, stalking from office to office picking off co-workers and friends alike with out prejudice...
time will tell

here is a pic for you illiterate biatches. they said all lines were tell me

Friday, April 14, 2006

Hit it REM...

"It's the End of the World as we know it"
If you have read any news lately Iran has declared they have Nuclear capabilities. Also the ruler of Iran has been quoted as saying (well converted into english so i guess it isnt an exact quote, but you know what i mean) "Israel must be wiped off the map."
Folks I am here to say I believe the world is soon coming to an end. I will give Iran about 15 years till they attack someone. Our response will soon follow. Other nations will then respond. Shit is going to hit the fan. Moving to Montana is looking better, cuz if someone fires at us, who the hell is going to shoot at the middle of no where in Montana.

In other stupid religon news: some mental people that think their religon is right in Egypt went around and stabbed christians worshiping. Palestine is claiming that the US is leading an unholy alliance. And Al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui deserves to have his testicles removed by hungry rats.

Other happenings:

  • Friday Jen and Jeremy are coming down, prolly will hang out for a bit.
  • Saturday I have to count more traffic at "the roundabout" from 11-1
  • Saturday from 2-6 I am supposed to work
  • Sunday I am supposed to work 11-6.
  • School is going to suck Monday-Friday
  • My big FE exam is Saturday the 22...I am going to fail.

Oh and to all of my readers around the world, (the whole 5 or 6 of you located from Big Rapids to South Bend) We need to have a party in the second week of May....A nice big party. And I dont mean big as in fat, but as in PHAT.