
Supposedly man has been evolving over time. Languages started out as gestures and grunting noises. These noises and gestures became words, more words were made up. Now there are many different languages around the world and people are getting smarter. Or are we? "Hello, how are you doing" turns into "Hi, how are you?" and that simplified to "hey, whats up" and even further to "hey, sup". Now it is either "hey" or "sup". I am been noticing more and more that we have went even further than that. I see someone I know, a nod does the job, or even just a grunt that isnt any real word comes out. The person I know does the same thing. The meanings of these gestures and grunts are just understood by other people. Is this what it was like back when humans were simple cavemen? Are we going to continue simplifying our language and means of communication to mainly grunts/clicks/whistles? I guess what i am saying, and the answer to all life's questions is:
*click* *click* *whistle* *click*! *whistle* *click* *click* *click*.
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