Monday, March 20, 2006

What is in a Day?

The Earth rotates once every twenty four hours. It does this 365 times per revolution. Our bodies experience this night and day repitition, job or school starts at 8am, dinner is at 7pm, bed time is 11pm. It is recommended to get 8 hours of sleep a night.

Is it this constant repitition of the earth's movements that governs our patterns? would our bodies require the same amount of sleep if not located on the Earth, or it the Earth rotated a bit slower? What would happen if a day was 30 hours long?

I think my body is ready for that change, but that change is not coming anytime soon (much like puberty). If I had it my way I would sleep 12 hours every night, wake up and work 10 hours (well maybe not really work, but have that schedule), and spend the next few hours hanging out and enjoying the few things in life that make me feel life is worth while.

24 hour days suck. You squeek off just enough sleep to make it through the day, rush through the day with a packed schedule, just to find time to eat and go back to bed. I am tired. I didnt sleep last night because of school work. this happens too often. I wish i could start a revolution. we gone, peace.


Blogger Slick said...

Count me in on that revolution... I don't necessarily care about 30 hour days, but I'm bored, and a revolution sounds like a lot of fun...

3/21/2006 2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say you want a revolution. Well, you know we all want to rule the world.

Shut up, you know you were thinking it too.

3/21/2006 6:16 PM  

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