Monday, February 13, 2006

Mind Bullets

Today sucks.
I already had 2 exams this morning (starting at 8am) and still have a class and exam tonight. I went to bed last night at 3am, woke up at 6am to get on campus at 7:15. School has just been bombing my mind. I need a way to fight back. I dont think there is a way. I was invited to the bar after my last exam...I just may go. My mind has already been carpet bombed, why not add in a little bit of chemical warfare?
School just beats my mind into mush, then tells me to go out and do real work. So they make me numb, then tell me I can go out and do what ever it is that I am going to do.
Wow, I cant think straight anymore...I need food, sleep, and a gun.
Just think, someday I could be sane again.
To top things off, when I went out saturday to relax...i ran into a bunch of immature idiots. Yea, that party sucked. So I left, and on the way out got very tempted to beat some 17 year old kids ass. Well I decided just to go to the bar cuz i didnt want to go home yet. Ran into some people i havent hung out with in a while, played darts and drank a bit. Then some chick my sis works with showed up and bought me a few drinks. she thought it was a way of tipping my sister....sucker...
anyway, i cant think of anything right now....i am not even going to read what i just typed to see if any of it makes sense, wow i think i am just rambling now....shoot me please...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason your description of how you felt reminded me of this guy.

"Kiiiiiillllll meeeeeeeee"

2/14/2006 11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha that is great..

2/14/2006 12:20 PM  

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