Friday, March 24, 2006


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you dont have to read this and if you get mad, screw you
< / end Disclaimer >

Religion is generally thought of to be a good thing. For the most part I agree, but parts of religion do not bring any good into this world. Wars are fought in the name of god, sometimes the same god. People that are "religios" kill other people because they are either not religious or believe in a different god.

I read an article on today that frustrated me greatly. "Senior Muslim clerics are demanding that an Afghan man on trial for converting from Islam to Christianity be executed". So because this man decided that the islam faith was not his way, muslims are going to kill this man. What good does that do, they dont try to convert him back, just kill him. 'Be our religion, or live in constant fear' is what this sounds like to me. What kind of crap is that? That alone shows that their is completely "whack." If your religion involves killing other people, raping women, and depriving people of living a healthy life, you should change. Yea I said it, Islam is a stupid made up religion that is a dead weight to society. It is the anchor and rope that many people are tied to as it falls into the deepest trench of the oceans. And if you believe in it and tie yourself to that rope, good riddens. The world would be a better place, religion or no religion, without the islam faith. SUCK IT!

I dont hate on all religions, I believe in chirtianity. I also dont have much against buddists and hindus, and a few of those small ones. They dont kill people, they try to contribute to society and make life better for others. Sounds good to me, I mean you can save all the cows you want, I will still eat them anyway...but dont say that all people that eat meat need to die and kill everyone. and they dont, that just shows that their religion is respectable and islam is not.

The main beef I have with christianity is mainly the variations of denominations. Wars have been fought over little details, and different interpretations of the bible. Also many super religious people are too weird. You gotta live your life...dont have religion stop you from living it up some time. If you cant have a bit of fun, why be alive?

in conclusion muslims are stupid, and if you are going to strap on a bomb and kill yourself to kill me...go ahead. just help your religion to send the message that you are all complete suck and your religion is wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you hear about the arab guy at UNC who drove a SUV into a crowded part of campus, injured like 9 people???

just goes to show how UNC sucks and Duke rules!

3/27/2006 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...true story... for real...the guy said he wanted to punish Americans for their wrong doings around the world

3/27/2006 12:34 PM  

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