Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Inspired to Post

Well I visited the Gokes blog, and what did I see, there was a post there!!! It made me think, maybe I should make a post too. So I go to sign in, and WTF M8. It wasnt letting me sign in. What is up with making me create a google account now to post a message? Google is going to pwn the world.

Anyway, I will give an update about happenings for those that dont know.
October 12: Diagnosed with leukemia
October 12-December 1: Treatments in Hospital in Denver.
January 20-Late February?: back in hospital for bone marrow transplant.
April 12 - current: Back in hospital with graft vs host disease (side effect of the transplant)

ok that about sums it up. I am doing pretty good at this point and hoping they will let me out with in 2 weeks. It will most likely be June when I get to go back to Michigan.

So I have been playing my X-Box 360 a bit lately. I got onto xboxlive and downloaded a few game demos to check out. Crackdown Rocks. I liked it so much I gave my dad money to go buy it for me. And on top of that it comes with Halo 3 Beta for online play which starts tomorrow i believe. So that should be pretty sweet. Maybe that will help pick my spirits up since it sucks being in here. Soon I will test out a few other demos, maybe I will post how I liked them. One problem though is to buy a 360 game it is 60 friggin bucks. is it just me or is that friggin expensive. I mean its like come on. yea man, like come on. But as for the games I have right now, Madden 07 is pretty good, Gears of War is a lot of fun, and then NHL 2007 by EA Games is so/so at tops in my opinion. The controls are really limited, checking is poor, and fighting it horrible. The concept of the controls is nice in a way, but the number of things you can control are really limited and makes gameplay a lot worse. I almost broke my controller at least 2 times, and i slightly screwed up my monitor of this laptop when my contoller hit it, but it still works just fine. Another thing in the game is there is faceoffs really suck. there is no instruction on how to win them, and ihave tried everything, with me winning 6 out of 35 tops on the easiest setting. I would really recommend ESPN NHL 2k7 over EAs version. gameplay is better as well as the things you can contol.

Is it wrong of me to assume if my nurse is a male he is gay? It creaps me out getting male nurses, I think i actually prefer the fat ugly old lady over the gay guy. I have had 2 male nurses that didnt seem gay, but i really didnt try to find out. I was just playing a bit of Madden 07 so I try to ignore them.