Friday, August 24, 2007

Vick and Dog Fights

I was reading today about the whole Michael Vick dog fighting situation. So he admits that he funded the dog fighting, but says he never bet on the dog fights. Just reading that I was thinking, oh he doesn't deserve too bad of a punishment just for paying for the dogs and the facilities. Then I read on...

"Last April, Vick and two co-defendants tested the fighting skills of dogs and the three agreed to kill six to eight dogs that didn't measure up. All were killed by methods including hanging and drowning."

WTF!?! That is so bad. Hanging is pretty bad, but drowning dogs. Come on, how could someone do that? To put the dog in its dog carrier and dump it in the pool to drown it. The dogs dug up in Vicks lawn werent killed from dog fights, but Vick and his buddies killed them. For that I think he deserves a strict punishment.

If it were cats, then big deal, but dogs...

I still believe in cock fighting sponsored by fast food restaurants. The McD's chicken vs. KFC, ect...then the winner can claim their chickens are the best chickens and have something to back it up.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Nick Fleury engaged.
Lauren Barker engaged.
Jen and Jeremy engaged.
Nick Schroeder engaged.
Gregg Mitchell married.
Brett Lantz married.
Mark Lantz in a relationship.
Me and Rory single.

Not that I want to get married any time soon, but wtf m8?

Anyway, everything has been going well. I have been very bored. No one reads this blog. Not doing anything is starting to get me down. I need to meet some more people, I need friends around to do stuff with.