Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A bad week gone worse

So, I come home at about 11pm wednesday night. Normally I am greeted by my 2 dogs wagging their tails. This time only 1 came running up, which is the case sometimes as the other may be asleep. I decide to call of him, and for once he does not come. I go looking in the apartment to find him laying on the floor in my mom's room. He was no longer breathing and his body was no longer as warm it was all those nights he has comforted me. My best friend in the world, that has been there always when i was sad, been there for me when I was down, and has been there for me every time I needed someone for comfort. Well that time has come once again, and he is no longer there for it. I will always remember him, always miss him, and always feel like I am missing a part of myself. RIP Gizmo 2/19/92 - 11/9/05.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another Crap Week

First note: Football ROCKED! although i tire extremely fast.
This week sucks. Monday=exam (i think i did ok on it). Today: Big lab report due, quiz. Wednesday: Quiz, EXAM. Thursday: lab due i think, i cant remember. Friday: Exam, suicide. Yea, that is my weekday schedule, it sucks.

Thanksgiving weekend (most likely friday) there will be a HUGE bonfire, I mean HUGE. The event will be HOTT and attractive, that from me arriving, then we will start the fire. The fire will include small explosions, large explosions, fireballs, couches burning, lower case "t"s burning (wait a minute), lots of boos (no I didnt mis-spell), Many hott chicks (because the fire will be hot most likely, and by many i mean maybe 2 girls might show because their boyfriends stopped by for .2), turkey left overs (hey people might be hungry), wood (what kind?), and much more. So bring your sunglasses, women, food (I guess it is me that is hungry), and visa card...cuz we dont take no american express.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Enter your Title

This school year seems to be dragging on, but moving so fast at the same time. I have so much work to do, but yet I feel little motivation to get it done. I have this long paper (10-15 pages long, yes that is long for me) due friday that has been assigned a few weeks ago. I am up to about 3 pages finally, and moving ever so slowly. I think it is going to come down to crunch time where I am screwed and have to bust ass to get it done. I will then think I am an idiot for not starting it way in advanced and finishing it up early. I am a procrastinator.
At least this past weekend was a good time. Halloween costume party was cool with my Leo TMNT costume (click here for halloween pics). Saturday MSU won, Wings won, extra hour at bar. Sunday flag football was pretty fun (MVP here).
Next week is a busy one: Monday=exam Wednesday=exam Friday=exam. Then I still have homework due.
This weekend:
  • Football friday at 4pm (i get out of class at 3:50 and it is in about cutting it close)
  • Football saturday or sunday. Co-ed flag football with bauer and crew...let me know if interesed. At LCC.
  • 3B party friday.
  • possible spontanious bon-fire friday.
  • Sunday night, I will pass out from doing too much movement this weekend.

Well I hope people join in on the activities, have a good time, and someone writes my paper for me, since i know i wont finish it until friday right before class when it is due. I would like to say I will have it done soon, but who am i kidding...