Life is a Bitch
"I think I am catching the cold or something. My body has been getting really tired easily, I've been sleeping poorly, and have had an almost constant headache for a while. After walking a ways or any exercising (which i hardly exercise) I get all light headed and dizzy to the point where I about black out. My ears also feel like they pop when that happens. I know the air is thinner, but that hasnt really happened to me at all until now. "That cold i spoke of ended up being pnemonia. That light headed and dizzy feeling I was getting, yea that was caused from leukemia. Yea, four days after making my last post these things landed me in the hospital. I went through two rounds of leukemia, the second round was a very intense round that kicked my ass.
As of December 1 I have been released from the hospital. The chemo knocked my leukemia down to 3.5% of my bone marrow cells, which is enough to be called in remission. I will get 1-3 weeks out of the hospital until I have to go back for either more chemo or my bone marrow transplant. I have to go in two times a week to get blood drawn and talk to the doctors.
As for my plans on my last post, oh they have gone to shit. Didn't get to go to Vegas, don't go back to Michigan until spring (assuming no setbacks and all goes well), school is pushed back, no vacation, still got the wedding, and after that I am still unsure.
Thank you life for giving me an uncommon cancer that is caused randomly. Just the way my life and luck goes...just as I am on a track, have things planned and figured out, something happens and puts my life back to an uncertan an heckake period.