Nice Guys Finish Last
Growing up parents try to teach their kids to be nice. Parents try to teach their children what is best for the world to help their children succeed.
One of the problems with being the nice person is everyone else takes advantage of you. Being nice you give an inch and people will take a mile. Take driving for example...Say I am in a traffic jam where 2 lanes merge to the right. I get over early and continue with the slow moving traffic. Meanwhile in the left lane there are still some cars creeping forward. Some of them are still in the left lane because they got cut off getting in the right lane, other because they are jack asses that dont want to wait their turn. The nice person lets the driver over in the left lane. As 'he' does this the jack asses speed up and cut in as well. The nice person waits in the traffic jam for 30 minutes and lets someone go infront of them, and the jack ass cuts in after speeding down the left lane and waiting as long as possible to get over, only waiting 5 minutes.
In the work/school world, the nice person doesnt say much and does his job. The jack ass either takes his work and claims it as his own, or lets the nice person do most of the work and then attaches his name to it.
In dating the nice guy quickly gets ignored as the jack ass gets the attension from the girls. For some odd reason girls are attracked to the guys that are cocky and jack asses--the type of guy that treats her like trash and is likely to cheat on her. The nice guy on the other hand treats his woman with respect, wont have any affairs, and is the guy that will be there at all times for her. To me, girls look at that as 'boring' when they want some excitement in their lives. Personally, I like to feel appreciated and trusting in people. I think I would prefer that over the 'exciting' life of cheating, beating, and disrespect. But what do I know, I am a nice guy.
Seeing that nice guys finish behind the jack asses, why is it that most parents raise their children to be nice and respectful? Why do parents set up their children for a life of abuse and heartbreak? Are parents even to blame?
I feel good when I help people out and treat people nice. Do I deserve to have to deal with people abusing my kindness and treating me like what I do doesnt matter? I dont dare change and become the thing that I have grown to dislike, so I guess I will have to continue being who I am.
One of the problems with being the nice person is everyone else takes advantage of you. Being nice you give an inch and people will take a mile. Take driving for example...Say I am in a traffic jam where 2 lanes merge to the right. I get over early and continue with the slow moving traffic. Meanwhile in the left lane there are still some cars creeping forward. Some of them are still in the left lane because they got cut off getting in the right lane, other because they are jack asses that dont want to wait their turn. The nice person lets the driver over in the left lane. As 'he' does this the jack asses speed up and cut in as well. The nice person waits in the traffic jam for 30 minutes and lets someone go infront of them, and the jack ass cuts in after speeding down the left lane and waiting as long as possible to get over, only waiting 5 minutes.
In the work/school world, the nice person doesnt say much and does his job. The jack ass either takes his work and claims it as his own, or lets the nice person do most of the work and then attaches his name to it.
In dating the nice guy quickly gets ignored as the jack ass gets the attension from the girls. For some odd reason girls are attracked to the guys that are cocky and jack asses--the type of guy that treats her like trash and is likely to cheat on her. The nice guy on the other hand treats his woman with respect, wont have any affairs, and is the guy that will be there at all times for her. To me, girls look at that as 'boring' when they want some excitement in their lives. Personally, I like to feel appreciated and trusting in people. I think I would prefer that over the 'exciting' life of cheating, beating, and disrespect. But what do I know, I am a nice guy.
Seeing that nice guys finish behind the jack asses, why is it that most parents raise their children to be nice and respectful? Why do parents set up their children for a life of abuse and heartbreak? Are parents even to blame?
I feel good when I help people out and treat people nice. Do I deserve to have to deal with people abusing my kindness and treating me like what I do doesnt matter? I dont dare change and become the thing that I have grown to dislike, so I guess I will have to continue being who I am.