Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Your Weekday Update With...

Three days of class down, way too many to go. This is going to be a long semester, I can tell because all of my classes already suck but 1. It looks like I will have 1 "easy" class, by easy I mean it would be compared to a hard business class. It is a class I should be able to get a 3.5 fairly easily. In one of my classes I think I am going to struggle. The professor said his average grade is normally around 60% or less. Is it me or does that sound wrong? A 2.0 in that class is a 70% Now doesn't that even sound worse.
Now that I am back on campus I am reminded of how so many people don't know how to walk. Well they can walk physically fine (for the most part), they just don't know how to walk with traffic (foot and vehicle). How hard is it to walk on the right side of the sidewalk. Also bike riders need to stay in the bike paths, and people walking stay out of bike paths.
Today by Wells Hall there were a few different people yelling all day. They have good intensions by trying to tell people about god, but in the manner they do it, people laugh at them and they become a joke. They annoy people and and push people away from Christianity. They aren't friendly to people and basically tell everyone that they are going to hell. Oh something else I saw in that area Monday was this table that supports Palestine. They were saying how the Palestinians have been mis-treated by our government, Israel, and the rest of the world. Man I wanted to punch these people in the face. Just look at how much Israel has done to try to compromise and make the Palestinians happy. All of the countries have been trying to help make it fair, but Palestine wants more always. They are the ones doing to suicide bombings. Israel even gave them land to make their own, but that isn't good enough, they still think all Jews should leave.
But I guess everyone has their own right to their opinions, and I guess that is what I put in here. Except for walking...LEARN TO WALK PEOPLE!
What happened from hurricane Katrina is tragic. In a way though, what do you expect. All of these homes were crappy housing, and New Orleans is already like 10 feet below sea level. You know a hurricane would hit there sooner or late. That is like moving to California and thinking there will never be an earthquake. At least with the hurricane there was plenty warning, that all of these people ignored. Then New Orleans floods and havoc breaks loose. All of these people that live there, instead of trying to help the issue, start to loot all the stores. I could see the people that need food, stealing some food cuz no store is open. But I saw video of people stealing TVs and everything else. YOU IDIOTS, you don't even have power, and wont for at least a month. Instead of all these poor people stealing stuff they cant use, why don't they get together and start working to fix the area?
Anyway I realize this post is long. I still have a few other things on my mind, but I will hold off till some other time.
Upcomming Events
Friday-Bar night (KO and Eric are back in town)
Saturday-MSU Football Game (Tailgating before?)
...let me know if interested...


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