Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Free as a Bird

Starting to feel sick :-(
Bonfire at Nicks tomorrow

Sometimes I wish that I am that one guy from American Beauty that video tapes everthing, or at least carry a video camera with me all of the time. It would be nice to video tape some things that make me smile so when ever I feel down I could just pop in one of my tapes and feel good.
Something today that caught my interest was a baby bird. This small bird appeared to fall out of its nest in a pine tree. I watched it for a little while as it tried to run around in the grass as it chirped like crazy. Instead of helping it out I decided just to watch it for a bit and make sure it was fine, and see if its parents would find it. Then I noticed that it adventured a little further away from the tree it fell from. Next I hear another chirp, and look to see this little birds mother. It flies down and flaps its wings right in front of the baby and then flies away. Next the baby started flapping its wings as it was walking to where the mother went to. The baby couldnt quite fly but it was trying so hard. I watched for a little bit longer as the mother bird kept chirping and flying a little further away and the baby followed on the ground occasionally flapping its wings. I then had to head back to work, and came back in about 5 minutes to check on it and the birds were in the next yard over and the mother was teaching the bird to get food in the ground. Somehow watching this was just so interesting to me.
Well now...I am out like the fat kid in dodge ball.


Blogger Andy said...

Although I am happy that someone left a comment, I am not going to read that because it is just spam mail

8/28/2005 10:20 PM  

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