Friday, April 15, 2005

A New Beginning

Well, while sitting here watching Conan and thinking of all the homework I should be doing, I decided to make my own Blog. Posting my start off a bit slow since I have a ton of school work I should be doing.
I got a feeling that this is going to be a simple blog. I am not going to add much to this to make it all fancy, nor will I get too deep into subjects (no guarantees). Unlike some people (cough, cough, mark, cough) I won't be using big words, not that big words are bad thingsā€”I just dont know many.
Todays Happenings:
Unlike yesterday, today I woke up in a decent mood. My day however, wasn't a good one. I met with a group to realize how much work we actually have to do, and it is a lot more than we thought. Then later in the day I had an exam. I really didn't study for this exam, but thought I knew what was going on. This exam KILLED me. The professor made the exam insainly harder than it should have been. She mixed in trick questions and put in some of those "big" words that I didn't understand. Then to top it off there were some true/false questions that could be both under different circumstances. I am going to try to have a good talk with my prof next week, and if I end up with a bad grade on this exam I will be PISSED.
Anyway, so I leave this exam and go home. I was hungry and upset. Half-way home I remember I was supposed to meet up someone in a different group to do some work. Not being in a good mood, I decided not to turn my car around (2nd reason is gas prices are too high). I got home and decided to email her. Luckily she wasnt too pissed, but it just piles up more work for me to do over this weekend.
Well, I should actually get to doing homework. I may just pull off an all nighter tonight or just say screw getting all of my homework done. Somehow I feel the ladder will be my final decision.


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